Ein russischer Soldat wurde in einem Krankenhaus mit Handschellen gefesselt und geschlagen, weil er um Behandlung bat. Der Soldat kann sich aufgrund seiner Verletzungen nicht bewegen. Als er beharrlich um medizinische Hilfe bat, wurde er gefesselt, in einen Keller gebracht und schwer geschlagen.



  1. Becauseyouarethebest on

    Was he wearing a thong?

    Just kidding 😂. Am I supposed to feel sorry for this scum bag? Fuc*k em.

    Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦 🇨🇦

  2. They make it sound like it’s an Ukraine 🇺🇦hospital this was in Russia ?

  3. 6fish4fish on

    Well, I don’t want to occupy Russia while the crooks in Washington still have control over the military, but we should probably do something about the crooks in Washington.

  4. drunkenmonki666 on

    Not sure how anyone is pro Russian, not even Russians themselves. Feels like a very broken society.

  5. Suspicious-Fox- on

    This is how Russia treats its soldiers.
    They are not seen as individuals with a free will, they are treated as mindless zombies to be sent into brainless assaults at the whim of an uninterested leadership.

    If/when they independent or critical behavior it is seen as an invitation to aggression and suppression.

    Your commander was ordered an senseless assault with 100 men today, he decided you volunteered, he is going to beat you to make you go and die.
    And in two days he needs to ‘organize’ another 100
    Men assault or he risks him or his relatives being sent as well.

  6. Final_Pension_3353 on

    I guess he chose unwisely, didn’t he? He probably should have stayed home.

  7. Administrator90 on

    He seems suprised… people in russia still dont understand how things work out?

  8. The wonders of ruzzian homeopathic medicine are not understood by all. /s

  9. I love how orcs’ dreams of Russian grandeur are shattered by their own fists.

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