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Did he say this at a desk surrounded by Goya products bc Goya likes him?
TBF, he still thinks food comes from some mysterious factory below McDonalds.
Lol John Deere is crap plagued with problems.
If this dude gets elected America gets what it deserves. Hate to say I told ya so. But we told all you stupid fucks what would happen lol
Hey, he fucked over farmers with his trade wars that were easy to win. Why not keep railing them over a barrel? Most of them are still going to vote for him anyway.
I’d say he’s trying to lose this election but really, none of it matters. It’s still going to be much closer than it should be.
It is cool with me, all I use on my farm is Lamborghini Tractors.
Vote DonOld ! Vote early! Vote Often !
God bless America, and only America, and nobody else !
Does he want to lose? I’m seriously wondering.
With everything Trump ever did to Farmers, I can’t see why even ONE would vote for him.
The idea of keeping manufacturing in the US is great, but he has no idea how to do it beyond issuing threats to companies (threats he can’t follow through on anyway). He also seems to think the company pays the tariff, which isn’t how that works. But even crazier, he claims to be a big John Deere customer in his personal life..! What a load of horse shit. In what world would ANYONE believe he has any input on what brands of equipment his landscapers use, or even knows what they use? Or even who his landscapers are?
He has no idea what tarriffs are!
Bold move cotton, let’s see how threatening farmers works out for him
This clown has totally lost it
The idiots with all the flags on their trucks will be sad if they elect him.
All their Murican trucks have global supply chains
I think the best part of this story is how this shit stain doesn’t even know how many individual parts are manufactured globally and assembled here. All those parts now have a tariff. For cars it’s even worse. Multiple chunks of vehicles are gathered globally and sent to Mexico and Canada several times back and forth before final assembly in say, Detroit.
His idiot sycophants will cheer for him because they’re too stupid to realize every time a part crosses the border it’ll get a tariff on it. Hell, most don’t even understand who pays the tariff.
Did the farmers listening actually realize what that would cause?
RawStory really is bad at this. The tariff threat is his response to John Deere’s plans to send manufacturing to Mexico (or so he says, who knows if this is true).
The real headline should be “Compulsive liar and golfer claims he uses a lot of farming equipment.”
>Trump said he would enact the tariff on the tractor company even though he described himself as “one of their big customers.”
He’s angry and worth of it
Art of the deal
They probably cheered like morons, not knowing it affects them.
All to support his ego. Does not care one bit what it does to people or the economy. Self-centered orange turd. Somebody needs to throw a bucket of water on him.
No, farmers will be paying the 200% tariff. It ALWAYS gets passed on to the consumer.
I thought Deere said something about building a plant in Mexico. How can he put a tariff on something coming from Mexico which is a trade partner under NAFTA?
He of the neck vagene, weird!
Threatens a large corp with 80k employees and then the entire farming industry? Dumbass
I mean fuck John Deere but this tariff would only hurt the buyers, or renters, the farmers.
He’ll have the government make up the cost, just like he did with his previous farm fiasco. Tough talk and welfare for farmers.
This cannot be accurate. As Trump has said repeatedly, the foreign country pays the tariff. 😵💫
Fucking him and “tariffs!”
He’s that dumb kid in class who learned one new word and uses it anytime they get, but not once is it ever used correctly.
Bet that went over like a Fudd