Kommen Sie nach Malta, sagten sie.


Von koyun_baba


  1. Ironsides4ever on

    Ah Msida ! Well London looks the same today .. a month’s rain came down in one day.

  2. Most-Teaching8830 on

    And i’m going. Here in Brazil it’s normal every rain xD

  3. It’s part of the charm of the place.

    You get some Cisk and have a day of serious drinking giving your probable sunburnt skin a chance to rest.

    On my 5th time in Malta I got a place with an outdoor jacuzzi and just sat in it drinking beers during the storms. 100% would recommend.

  4. Fluffysan_Sensei on

    Haha, your luck. It rains like a month in total over the year in Malta and you found one if the day’s it does rain.

  5. Rough-Improvement-24 on

    Actually, if you listened, most locals (and some foreigners) do tell foreigners NOT to come to Malta.  Don’t put this on us – you should have listened!

  6. Accomplished-Gear-97 on

    Part of the experience, thats also why we dont have a metro

  7. I left Malta yesterday after a 2 week visit, even the locals were outside filming the weather!! This is not normal for Malta despite what people are saying

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