Die systematische Zerstörung wichtiger russischer Munitionslagerstätten sowie Öl- und Gasanlagen wird die russischen Kriegsanstrengungen und den Staat selbst schwer beeinträchtigen. Schätzungen gehen so weit, dass in den letzten Tagen 40.000 Tonnen Munition zerstört wurden, 12 Prozent der russischen Vorräte.


Von Loki9101


  1. This is great news for Ukraine!!! Hopefully this will force Russian operations to a standstill and drive an end to the war!

  2. Inglorious555 on

    I hope that the current rate of Russian Ammunition dumps being blown up is only the beginning

    Every Russian Ammunition Dump and Russian Oil/Gas Facility being blown up is one step closer to the war coming to an end, all the while Ukraine accelerates domestic production and promised aid from other countries arrives, Russia’s days are numbered… Especially if the US grants permission for their weapons to be used within Russia

  3. lucidhiker on

    Funny how the Challenger and M1A1 Abrams tanks were supposed to be the game changers that would turn the tide of Russian aggression in Ukraine. Or the F-16 in the air. And yet, it’s Ukraine’s home-grown weapons that have shifted some of the balance, such as their sea drones, which have caused the Russians to hide its Black Sea fleet away from Crimea. And now theses strikes on their weapons storage depots, probably the result of their newest rocket drone, the Palyanytsia.

  4. ffdfawtreteraffds on

    This is the value of deep strikes. Hopefully Ukraine can manufacture significant numbers of domestic long-range drones and missiles. These weapons will have a meaningful impact on Putin’s strategy of patience and attrition.

    If we are too afraid to help directly, I hope we are giving necessary support and resources for Ukrainian manufacturing of these weapons. They really can make a difference.

  5. Glad-Divide-4614 on

    Make it hurt, make it so that it takes years for Russia to feel the impact, let alone fix the damage, while Russia attacks kindergartens let Ukraine attack anything that helps the Russian state that’s worth more than 2 rubles – oil, army, aircraft, stockpiles, infrastructure = fuck Putler

    It seems to me that the pain level has been raised on Russia recently, and it’s not taking it well

  6. Firm-Sandwich8087 on

    Now, some of you might be thinking “oh 12% ain’t that much.” sure sure over a 4 to 6 month period, maybe (rough estimate don’t qoute me) but losing 12% in a day? You can’t plan or prepare for something like that. That’s an entire cog suddenly missing from the machine, and with their current offensive, that’s a cog they can’t afford to lose. Now they got to take from other fronts and operations, and if this trend keeps up, we might see them start rationing artillery and other such essential supplies to keep this war going or even moving supplies farther from the front which could allow some breathing room for the Ukrainians in the trenches and allow for a shift in the frontlines for their advantage.

  7. Atman-Sunyata on

    3-4 days and 12% means that by about the end of next month they’ll have destroyed all of ruzzia’s ammo. Achievement unlocked: rashist military neutered

  8. -Acta-Non-Verba- on

    From X:

    I think that many still cannot grasp entirely what’s going on in Russia. The systematic destruction of major Russian ammunitions sites as well as oil & gas facilities will have a severe impact on the Russian war effort and the state itself. Estimations go as high that 40,000 tons in ammunition have been destroyed over the past few days, which accounts for 12% of Russian stockpiles, or the equivalent of 1 month in ammunition. Russian military blogger already fear a lack in ammunition. All gone just by 3 strikes and you can be sure that those are not some “drone debris” penetrating hardened buildings. That is something developed during this war and I’m sure that Ukrainians haven’t even started, yet.

    Russia relied in the past on its sheer size to outlast enemies and exploited this for its own imperial ambitions. This advantage in the past, however, has now become a liability in 21st century. You don’t have to invade Russia to decisively disrupt Moscow’s ambitions. You observe and then target the exposed nerve centers of which many are in range. Russians cannot protect all these areas. They never could. Even the air defense grid of Moscow, which is the densest in the entire country, was successfully overcome several times, and this is the primary nerve center.

    Of course, Russians will try to counter this development, but there is not really much what they can do. Dispersing the ammo sites in the occupied parts of Ukraine was one thing, to do this in all of Russia (west of the Ural mountains) is something completely different, and in fact not feasible at all. They have to locate those sites along the rail network, which in itself is already a critical bottleneck. Even without this headache, Russians already fail in logistics and this would push them over the edge.

    Together with the mass casualties events in Ukraine, where thousands of Russian vehicles get burnt in on a monthly base and hundreds of Russians get destroyed on a daily base, it is only a question of time before all this will make Russia capsize. There won’t be a single event or a single weapon system which will make Russia break. It will be a plethora of reasons. After that has materialized, we will look back and see how each and every puzzle piece contributed to this entire picture.

    Putin is running of out time and we should keep Ukrainians capable of fighting and extend their capabilities in order to efficiently strike the Russian invaders respectively their country. Btw. this does not have to be only entire weapon systems. Even the steady supply of components can achieve this. I already mentioned in my post 2 days ago, how vital the Ukrainian war economy has become and we can see that in the destruction in major Russian facilities. I consider, however, Ukrainian drones and weapons as the long-term insurance policy for an Ukrainian victory, while the surplus of Western weapons systems such as ATACMS (and similar weapons), which are plenty in numbers and available on a short-term notice, immediate means which can be shipped.

    Together with the new Ukrainian developments in drone technology, it will be the perfect storm for the Russian aggression, leading it to Russia’s ultimate failure in conquering its neighbor and ending its imperial agenda once and for all.

  9. Novel_Source372 on

    How much longer can Russia carry on being an effective fighting force with the level of destruction Ukraine is heaping on them ?

  10. Spartan117_JC on

    If Palyanytsya ~~jet drones~~ cruise missiles can already achieve what they would have needed Taurus for, then ramping up this indigenous system sounds like a far better course of action than tussling over Putin’s “red line” and the firing authorization of Western missiles.

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