Analyst: Wütender Trump gerät in Panik, weil MAGA zu einem Monster wird, das er nicht mehr kontrolliert


  1. NeonRattlerz on

    I’d totally be cool if they all night of the longknived themselves.

  2. Let’s hope it eats him and spits out the nice bits (there is nothing nice about him so it’ll swallow him whole).

  3. Green-Umpire2297 on

    I dunno. He’s fucking a jigsaw white supremacist, imo he seems just fine with it.

  4. It’s like a stray animal. If Trump stopped feeding it, maybe it would go away?

  5. entropic_apotheosis on

    Oh no, it’s the “deep state”…but *what if the deep state was really the friends we made along the way* lmfao.

  6. PuzzleheadedGift5532 on

    This was a fascinating article that opened my eyes to the reality of what MAGA has become (and how dangerous they are) .

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