John Oliver fragt sich, warum Donald Trumps Behauptungen, Haitianer würden Katzen essen, nicht „disqualifizierend“ sind


  1. theuneven1113 on

    Because for the GOP, racism isn’t a disqualification, it’s a feature.

  2. SimilarElderberry956 on

    I was at a coffee shop and argued with Trumps supporters about “eating pets in Springfield “. The Trump supporters told me that the media is suppressing the truth. Pets are going missing from Springfield and other places. The media just is not reporting it.

  3. KrookedDoesStuff on

    I want to know how being a twice impeached 34x convicted felon isn’t disqualifying

  4. Maximum_Weird5333 on

    DonOld Trump is a shit stain on the underwear that is America.

  5. PieAndIScream on

    The most qualified presidential nominee has to be flawless, work 10 x’s as hard and still is getting harshly criticized and being called divisive with no plan.

    That other fucker is a dangerous psychopath who is going to run the country like Hitler and is getting off scott free. His running mate is even more psychopathic.
    If they tell you/demonstrate who they are, believe them.

    How is this even possible?

  6. hockeyguy013 on

    I think we should elect our leaders based on what they can do for America and us in particular, evaluating every single sentence somebody says is stupid. How would you like somebody following you around all day snitching on everything you say

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