1. hodgkinthepirate on


    Now make Russia withdraw from Ukraine completely.

    Hashtag(s): #MakeRussiaLeave, #KickOutRussia, #RussiaGoAway, #UkraineWillBeFree

  2. I wonder where all the reserves, ammunition, drones and equipment the Russian troops in Vovchansk *should* have had went.

    Guess it’s a mystery, and we’ll never know. Oh, well.

  3. 2FalseSteps on

    Did the sober Orcs run while the drunk ones got a case of the deads?

    Oh, what am I saying? Sober Orcs??

  4. simpleguyau on

    Hopefully the whole stack of shit that is the Russian army collapses

  5. Vast-Lifeguard-3915 on

    Remember: the land you own is now Ukranian, if you follow the Russians train of thought. That means all your rocket powered sticks , brought to you by NATO, just became the new grey zone in that AoR.

    Keep it up,

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