Selenskyj: Bei meinem Besuch im Scranton Army Ammunition Plant, wo Komponenten für Artillerie- und Mörsergranaten hergestellt werden, darunter auch 155-mm-Granaten für die Ukraine, habe ich das Engagement der Arbeiter betont, das wirklich inspirierend ist – sie helfen der Ukraine, in unserem Kampf um die Freiheit stark zu bleiben.

Von Exotic-Strawberry667


  1. Exotic-Strawberry667 on

    During my visit to the Scranton Army Ammunition Plant, where components for artillery and mortar shells are produced, including 155 mm shells for Ukraine, I emphasized the dedication of the workers, which is truly inspiring—they are helping Ukraine stand strong in our fight for freedom.

    I am grateful to the people of Scranton, Pennsylvania, and all the states where Americans are building this incredible arsenal of global freedom. Together, we are strengthening the defense of liberty and democracy.

  2. human-redditbot on

    Beautiful. Many thanks to the USA and other Western partners. Keep those shells coming! 👍🇺🇸 🇺🇦🏆

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