Die Gezeiten Europas [OC]

    Von mydriase


    1. Hi everyone,

      I made this map with the data from [https://www.aviso.altimetry.fr/en/data](https://www.aviso.altimetry.fr/en/data) (world wide mean tidal range), processed it with QGIS (colour, isolines etc.) and did the rest on adobe illustrator to make it more beautiful and add labels.

      Hope you like it, CC welcome..!

      My [website](https://www.perrinremonte.com/) for more maps for those interested 🙂

    2. Can someone ELI5 why tides aren’t uniform? Why are they very large is some bays? Why is the North Sea relatively mild and areas around GB much larger?

    3. controverible on

      This is amazing. As someone who grew up in a town with 3-4m tides I’m only now discovering that this isn’t actually normal

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