Britische Väter binden Babytragetücher um männliche Statuen, um mehr Vaterschaftsurlaub durchzusetzen

Von giuliomagnifico


  1. HelpfulCollar511 on

    Thats is ingenious way to protest while also spending time with your newborn at the same time

  2. DingoBingoAmor on

    Wait until Tory newspapers report ,,leftist hooligans” and ,,lazy bums” are ,,attacking British History” and ,,devastating national symbols” all with an interview with oldhag shitstain, a 90 year old woman who hasn’t seen a child let alone a father since before Ike breathed his last.

  3. DAswoopingisbad on

    Good. 2 weeks paternity leave isn’t enough. And this protest doesn’t appear to be doing any damage to the statues. Seems 100% reasonable.

  4. my son was born in late November and when i asked for me 2 weeks paternity leave i was told i cant have it due to Christmas being the busiest time of the year, I ended up having to bring the case to the union who said “you need to understand the company’s point of view that they cant lose a full time employ for two weeks at Christmas time”
    They finally caved in after i said id bring it to the WRC but at this point it was late December and i could not help my wife when she needed me most as she had a pretty bad recovery after the birth.
    So yes dads really need help when it comes to peternity leave

  5. CanisAlopex on

    This form of discrimination doesn’t just hit men but also women. It perpetuates the notion that women are the caregivers and men the breadwinners. This not only continues stupid gender divisions but also makes women more likely to take extended periods of leave after birth. Employers will consider when making employment decisions (meaning that they’ll more likely employ men).

    Not to mention it also prevents women from getting the much needed help they need after giving birth.

    Ultimately we need equality in parental leave to ensure that we break down gender barriers that not only help men form bonds with their children but also help women after birth and in the workplace.

  6. And they are right, we need equal leaves for all parents, no matter the gender. It benefits everyone.

  7. SnooStrawberries620 on

    Very cool. Why don’t countries do parental leave? We do that in Canada and can split up or concurrently take the available weeks.

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