Nachtaufnahmen eines weiteren ukrainischen Thermit-FPV-Angriffs auf russische Stellungen in einem Windschutz.

Von MilesLongthe3rd


  1. evilbunnyofdoom on

    That would be a whole new level of suck to be in that trench

  2. JonathanS93 on

    fighting war crimes with war crimes is not the answer, then we just get ww2 all over again

  3. FeelDeGrasseTyson on

    Am I wrong to assume these are more effective at night – you can reveal enemy positions (besides burning them) and it’s harder for them to shoot the drone depending on how blindingly bright it is?

  4. Seen quite a few people question the effectiveness of these drones over the last few weeks. Go stand under one and report back.

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