Ein unglücklicher Russe bekommt Besuch von einer FPV-Drohne, die nicht explodiert. In Panik versucht er sich mit einem Ziegelstein davor zu schützen, wird aber gleichzeitig von einer zweiten Drohne angegriffen. Video der 56. motorisierten Brigade

Von Smart-Bonus-6589


  1. Available_Ad_697 on

    People thinking this is funny
    Most of these people were forced to go to war and if they dont agree they would be killed
    I never see vids of the russian operations here lmaooo
    Talk about double standards
    But trust me all the stuff u see here from Ukraine
    They still losing the war

  2. Suchalife671 on

    Damn all those Russian soldiers are getting slaughtered by those drones…

  3. wikiwikiwhatword on

    I’ll just disarm this high explosive leaning against my shins with this small stick 😀 surely nothing catastrophic will happen

  4. Strange to think that if Putin hadn’t crossed the border this guy would probably be home now

  5. XBlackFireX on

    But hey, at least you successfully denazified grandma Maria’s house and her entire village, right?

  6. Man made horrors beyond comprehension.

    In another universe, he could have been home with his family. But not in this one.

    In this one, we have Putin.

  7. Significant-Bother49 on

    Poor guy. You can see the panic and helplessness. Fuck Putin.

  8. IamWatchingAoT on

    Whatever life choices led this guy to be in this situation… whatever his context… his face just makes me sad. Fuck war. Go home Russians.

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