Trump droht ABC immer noch wegen „sehr unfairer“ Debatte – nachdem er gerade behauptet hatte, es sei seine „stärkste Debatte“ aller Zeiten gewesen: „Ich denke, sie sollten untersucht werden“
Trump droht ABC immer noch wegen „sehr unfairer“ Debatte – nachdem er gerade behauptet hatte, es sei seine „stärkste Debatte“ aller Zeiten gewesen: „Ich denke, sie sollten untersucht werden“
How do you take him seriously
He’s an idiot.
Psychotic fool
I think the felon should be in prison already and pay his fines like any other scumbag.
And melanoma should be in jail for siphoning off all that inauguration money – how is she immune too.
Everything and everyone is unfair to him.. I think most people would feel slighted if things didn’t go their way , but part of being an adult is just accepting life isn’t always fair..
Dude is so full of shit
For such a big brave strong manly President, he sure does whine like a little bitch a lot.
Beyond denial. Trump is hallucinating now.
She already offered you another chance. What the fuck are you crying about pal?
What a petulant child. Trump is just plain pathetic. How on earth is this race remotely close ?
How dare they tell him that there are no official reports of pet dogs and cats are being eaten by Haitian illegals!!! He “saw it on TV.” And how dare they tell him that post birth abortions are not a thing! So unfair, so unfair!!!!/s
“I suck major ass, someone should really look into that.”
Oh, we are, Donold. We are.
I think your whole life should be investigated. See? Just because we think something, doesn’t mean it’s going to happen.
Investigate Trump’s multi-million dollar bribe from Egypt!
So strong. /s
trump = King of Crybabies
Delusional Donnie doubles down, proving yet again he is unfit to lead.
It’s criminal how well I did. No one should ever be allowed to do as amazing a job as I did. There should be repercussions for such an amazing performance.
There’s no making sense of his thoughts or actions. Just shake your head and roll with it.
Trump is a coward! He knows he got his ass beat like a 🥁 🥁 🥁 🥁!
Investigated for fucking what?! This guy is such a bag of flaccid penises.
I think he needs his head examined. He’s so weird. Vote Blue in November.