Satellitenbilder zeigen, dass russische Depots in der Nähe von Tichorezk und Oktjabrske fast vollständig zerstört wurden

Von Mil_in_ua


  1. lucitribal on

    So we can expect a shortage of shells in the future? Russian doctrine heavily relies on artillery so this is great news for Ukraine!

  2. 3 down, 12 to go.

    You have to expect that air-defences all along the frontline (and across Russia) have been drained to beef up the remaining depots.

    So, 200 drones will be sent to the next major target 😉

  3. North Korea also loves this story as they are happy to deliver more

    Now make sure we can find the logistics

  4. 13 explosions that measured between 2 and 2.8 on the Richter scale seems like they would have done more damage to the vegetation. Something is a little bit fishy? I’m no expert, all I can say is get the waves of these drones rolling.

  5. Mindless-Charity4889 on

    Look out for Mozdok in North Ossetia. It also is a major storage site for NK ammunition plus its close to an airfield for Tu-22M bombers so it probably has lots of cruise missiles.

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