IU überreicht 50.000 Fans beim heutigen Konzert (22.) ein besonderes Souvenir

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  1. impeccabletim on

    IU provided binoculars for audience members at today’s encore concert. Her explanation:

    >I prepared binoculars as a new gift. They were an important concept in this album. Also, I wanted those watching from afar to see me a little closer, so I prepared them. I hope you find them useful.

    What a thoughtful gift! From the tour’s beginning in making sure her fans got tickets before scalpers to its ending with these souvenirs, IU has shown her appreciation and thoughtfulness of her fans I don’t see normally in the music industry.

    [Pics of souvenir details and packaging](https://x.com/jieunchae_/status/1837417223339848063)

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