Bürgermeister von Springfield bestätigt, dass Gerüchte über haitianische Einwanderer Vances Team vor der Debatte nichts preisgegeben hätten



    1. mike_pants on

      The fact that anyone needed to tell them it was false in the first place is troubling enough. Exactly how racist does one need to be to entertain that idiocy for longer than a picosecond?

    2. kingoffortlauderdale on

      JD Vance isn’t the first politician to lie. For example, Republican George Bush lied about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq so he could kill hundreds of thousands of innocent Muslims. Nonetheless, JD Vance is the first politician to admit to being a liar and admit to fabricate lies to hurt innocent people. I’m not sure if JD Vance is the lowest piece of shit of a human who belongs in the Dante’s lowest ring of hell reserved for the fraudulent or only a gigantic useless idiot.

      (To Dante the worst of the worst are the people like JD Vance who break one of the Ten Commandments, thou shalt not bear false witness aka thou shall not lie.)

    3. RickKassidy on

      So, he basically set Trump up to be ridiculed by the whole country. Great going and thanks!

      People in 2016 were joking that Trump was a Democrat plant designed to throw the election with his absurd antics. Vance almost looks that way, too. But we know he is really just this stupid.

    4. easy10pins on

      Of course his team told him..

      This was nothing more than an attempt to muddy the waters around Trump in an effort to stop losing supporters.

      Trump says something stupid, the media picks it up and runs with it in the opposite direction.

      His base totally forgets everything he said during the debates.

      Vance reinforces the stories and it stays in the news.

      Even going so far as to admit he lies to keep the story moving.


    5. redneckrockuhtree on

      Vance has already admitted he has *zero* problem spreading lies.

    6. Well… if he KNEW that it was a lie before the first time he said it, and they can prove that he knew it, he just met the threshold for “willful disregard for the truth” (malice) in a defamation suit.

      Get to it lawyers… while the getting is good.

    7. Zealousideal-Sink273 on

      Who needs facts before willingly making up a story for political expediency?

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