Der russische Goebbels-Sprecher Solowjew fordert Angriffe auf ukrainische Atomkraftwerke, wenn der Wind westwärts nach Europa weht.


  1. AshelyWeinerdogowner on

    doesn’t the ukrainian jet stream always travil in the direction of russia?

  2. These psychos should be hung for warcrimes. They are encouraging an entire nation to send their men on suicide waves against innocent Ukrainians.

  3. cornhumper on

    How well did that work for you Ruzzia after chernobyl? Prolly why they’re all idiots?

  4. Chance_Gur7169 on

    love how orcs were crying like victims about that NPP in kursk when ukraine haven’t even attempted to bomb it when on the other hand russia have bombed and seized ukranian NPPs before and are planning to bomb more lol

    orcs are professional victims . They’re like the social justice warriors of the east. Everything is everyone else’s fault and they can do everything but others can’t do anything because again they’re the victim here guys 😂it’s worse than SWJs because from the bottom slave orc to the dictator orc are professional victims 😂

  5. CapAffectionate7197 on

    If the wind blows to the UK his gay son working there will be radiated… Very good idea

  6. herrcollin on

    I know this is for internal consumption but it’s still so telling of the leading minds psyche. The guy going on about Zelensky being persistent just to inconvenience trump (???) is so indictive of the reality they desperately want and need.

    1. They NEED Trump in office otherwise they know western aid will continue.

    2. They NEED to paint Zelensky as some sort of corrupt political miscreant rather than a noble man who’s defending his people regardless of if they have help NATO or not. Because he’s defending against invaders, not political intrigue.

    3. They NEED to paint this as “all of NATO vs Russia” otherwise they’d have to admit they’re getting stomped by Ukraine with only small percentiles of NATO help, and our old dated stockpiles we were trying to get rid of anyway.


    They need it so hard they’re willing to pretend eliminating the power infrastructure of an entire nation, and causing a nuclear catastrophe in europe, is totally normal just to “show them what’s what”

    Reality begs to differ losers.

    Also, man, these guys are looking more sullen and soulless than ever. I detected two single heartbeats in this whole clip.

  7. these guys are already dead, they only have a cpl years left as the standard death age in RU is 65 which is just normal retirement age for western people, but this is the end of the line for most male russians..

  8. No-Split3620 on

    What these braindead turds keep on missing is that Ukraine’s capacity to hurt ruZZia in response, and hurt it badly, grows by the day. They talk about destroying their nuclear power plants when that large nuclear power plant in Kursk is within easy reach of the Ukrainians right now. But NOTHING is safe in the mighty ruZZian federation, nothing.

  9. -0dd-in-it- on

    Haha, they have been trying and failing since they started their war crimes

  10. Not sure which is worse, these men saying these things because they have been told to, or because they believe it.

  11. Morpheuz71 on

    Eye for an eye is justified in this situation, a nuke plant for a nuke plant

  12. asdhjasdhlkjashdhgf on

    **And here the weather report:**

    In Europe, winds that blow from the southwest to the northeast or east are often associated with prevailing westerlies. These conditions are more common during the autumn and winter months due to stronger Atlantic low-pressure systems. Specifically, October through March tends to see more winds blowing from the west-southwest to the northeast or east as storm tracks follow the jet stream.

    **What could go possibly wrong..**

  13. Imagine watching a drone drop video and seeing Solovyev’s face begging for his life.

  14. Late_Singer_7996 on

    Solovjov. Always speaking as if he is chewing putins patethic cock.

  15. MrTweakers on

    He needs to crash his car at an extremely high rate of speed under suspicious circumstances.

  16. SkunkWork2 on

    They know, if they hit a nuc plant, Its all OVER for them….. Be jets in the air in hours and Every RU in UA will be Dead in days. ( POLand is Ready for Pay-Back anyway…. Let em EAT )

  17. ConsistentContest911 on

    You know what will happen. It will blow up in Russia, and the winds will shit towards Belarus and all your terrorist buddies. Iran, be nice there. Leaders will like sucking on nuclear fallout

  18. Rickylie2012 on

    Can’t help but love watching these psychotic low-life’s blow wind up their viewers asses. They’re so out of their minds delusional, that the lies and ideas just become more and more preposterous the further the war progresses. They’re so full of shit…

  19. Ok-Zucchini-4553 on

    It bothers me that they paint Trump would send Ukraine long range weapons despite the fact that TURMP made a statement and campaigning to stop supporting Ukraine weapons. It shows that they want Trump to win elections so that Trump would suck up on Putin and be done with Ukraine to conquer it all.

  20. Ok-Piccolo-1961 on

    Keep playing with words like nuclear attack when you can’t even get a stupid tank running, but let me assure you that our tanks as well as our nukes really work

  21. Russia dosn’t realise that Ukraine, at best, is being dropped scraps with some decent investment in long term production.

    Give a reason for the largest economic power on the planet to actually put effort in and find out what happens. I fucking dare you Russia.

  22. QuestionablePersonx on

    Is there a price on this fxck’s head? Or his family? I

  23. What a nuthouse that television show is. They should be put in a mental asylum.

  24. Correct-Gift-7168 on

    Of course. An enormous radioactive cloud would make Europeans love russia.

  25. pheasantplucker27 on

    This man needs to be captured and taken to the USA.

    His punishment should be being interviewed every night live on TV by Ricky Gervais.

  26. MoneyWolverine9181 on

    …Yeah… great plan… as if wind directions don’t change…

    “Ivan! Fire Rockets! Wind is blowing West! Death to America’s Running Dogs!

    24: hours later: “Oh No Ivan… Winds blowing towards the EAST now! Why we so stupid?”

  27. Square-Debate5181 on

    Ok lets make them fly then? I want great ending for my own movie. So, when you going to launch those nukes then? Hello?

  28. Majestic-Elephant383 on

    Nuclear fallout is very bad for business.

    I won’t be surprise if some underground gangster bosses in Europe just put a bounty on his head.

  29. Lament_Configurator on

    Russian TV is just as brain-dead, disgusting, inhuman and uncultured as the rest of that shit country.

  30. Significant-Dog-8166 on

    “Russia will poison the earth, then EU will realize the folly of disliking Russia”….

    That’s not how it works. To be fair, these drunken cowards probably grew up abusing animals, and they actually believe that violent cruelty creates long lasting passive fear – because that’s how animals react. Humans just get revenge. Russia can’t survive the kind of revenge that the West can wield. They’re one button press from becoming a glassy tundra.

  31. Creative-Loveswing on

    this is just a tactic to deter U.S. from lifting restrictions. anybody else seeing the pattern?

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