Spoiler: Es war ekelhaft. Ich versuche wieder, Fiskekaker zuzubereiten, und jedes Mal, wenn ich es versuche, sind sie am Ende ekelhaft. Die Hälfte habe ich mit Zwiebeln, Paprika, Tomaten und Makrelen aus der Dose gebraten, die andere Hälfte habe ich im Ofen gebacken. Sie wurden immer schlimmer. Sogar Tzatziki hat nicht funktioniert! 🤢😭 Was mache ich falsch? Gibt es eine plausible Art, Fiskekaker zuzubereiten?


Von GlorpFlee


  1. marbiter01123581321 on

    There’s so much wrong with,.. I don’t know where to start. Tzatziki?? How does Greek dip fit into Norwegian cuisine? Fried canned mackerel? Just bake the fiskekaker with potatoes and smother it in brown sauce. Done.

  2. Would depend on the fiskekake. Are you making them from scratch or just heating a pre-made one? Most store bought ones are ready to eat and just need to be heated back up so, nothing to it. Maybe you just don’t like fish or got some really low quality ones.

    You can have them as a burger, with gravy and potatoes with steamed vegetables, chop them up in a casserole as topping on a slice of bread, or just eaten plain as a snack (particularly steaming hot freshly made ones). I honestly can’t think of a “bad” way to prepare them, very versatile. So if you find them disgusting I guess the taste or consistency just isn’t doing it for you unfortunately.

  3. I don’t think I know anyone using mackerel to make fishcakes. I’d start with using the right kind of fish.

    Cod is a decent fish to start making attempts with.

  4. Fiskekaker? Fry them in heaps of butter. High heat. Boil some potatoes, and mash them a little with a fork on your plate. Grate a carrot or two, and put on the potato. Melt a lot of butter. Pour it over the potatoes and carrots. Salt and pepper on top.

  5. areptiledyzfuncti0n on

    Store bought fish cakes have too much starch and are often ultra processed crappy foods. Look for fish cakes with at least 60% (preferably 80%) fish, those are more filling and nutrient dense. The heart-shaped ones are marketed towards kids, but kids shouldn’t be eating them imo.

    That said, I’m not mad at the idea of frying mackerel and tomatoes! Might even have to try that myself.

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