Mohamed Al Fayed wird mehrfache Vergewaltigung durch Mitarbeiter vorgeworfen


    1. P_a_s_g_i_t_24 on

      This is making the rounds right now. Mohamed Al-Fayed, former owner of British luxury department store *Harrods,* has been accused of raping and sexual assaulting five women, according to an investigation by the BBC.

    2. Apart-Taro624 on

      Yet another rich asshole turned out to be a rapist?

      Colour me surprised please

    3. roythetroy on

      What is up with these rich people? How depraved can they be? Every few days there is a news piece.

    4. What’s with theee vile British senior leaders . Absolute scum

    5. coffeespeaking on

      It’s almost as if one doesn’t get to be a billionaire by being a decent person. Hmmm.

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