Interessante Technik: Pudu stellt super-halbhumanoiden Roboter mit 8-Stunden-Batterie und 10 kg Hubkraft vor


    1. BothZookeepergame612 on

      Another addition to the list of robots entering production.
      With so many different companies involved, the revolution in robotics should inundate our daily lives sooner than we thought.

    2. DinahKitCat on

      Sounds like it can help me move? Does it have a friend with a truck?

    3. therealjerrystaute on

      I expect Elon is keeping an eye on humanoid robot developers, figuring to buy whichever one looks the best at some point, to try to leapfrog everyone with something he can slap his brand on.

    4. Thin-Concentrate5477 on

      That’s enough for an AR-15, some kevlar shielding and some heat sensors. We are this close 👌 to actual terminators.

      Can you imagine if armies build a bunch of these ? Can you imagine drones flying overhead dropping molten metal (like the ones in Ukraine) on the terminators ? Epic as fuck.

    5. Bohdanowicz on

      Laundry. Pick up after kids. Monitor house when away… sold.

      In the future, these will be seen as required for seniors, enabling them to live independently longer.

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