1. Elkenson_Sevven on

    Oh boy oh boy! I can’t wait to see what a CyberTruck RUD looks like when it gets hit by a drone or RPG!

    An RUD (Rapid Unscheduled Dissssembly) is what Musk calls it when one of his rockets explodes.

  2. Russian troops receive wasted money on hyper-expensive useless theatrics, instead of large number of military trucks the same money could have bought that would have given them some real world capability.

    I’m sure the Russian troops are overjoyed.

  3. katiecharm on

    I love that it’s painted camo colors, as if the lines of the vehicle aren’t the complete antithesis of what effective camo should be.  

  4. I’m sure they will never get close to the front line as tiktok “troops” will keep their expensive toys safe. Nevertheless this gives bad optics to Elon.

  5. InspectorPipes on

    Those trucks will burn uncontrollably when they get droned. It will be glorious.

  6. TheOtherGermanPhil on

    Does this mean that Tesla exports military equipment to Russia?
    This would mean bans for sales in the US, right?

  7. Substantial_Steak723 on

    What to believe, who to believe eh?

    On on hand the original cybertruck is said to be disabled (or failed)

    On the other 2 ?? more & nothing more than a really dodgy looking picture of dubious parentage.

    …And then there is the naff reputation of these, not to mention the collapsing sub frames, so I cannot take the existence of these on a war footing seriously.

  8. RemoteBroccoli on

    One well placed incendiary shot to the batteries,, and they will have a CONSTANT light source for around 4 days.

  9. ThatIsTrueByThat on

    Adolph H. Dump,
    JD Goering and Elon Goebbels at the Reichsparteitag

  10. matsonjack3 on

    Just for propaganda use, good luck driving a EV into battle where there are no chargers available.

  11. sovietarmyfan on

    I highly doubt the leader of the brand did not knew about these sales.

    When Kadyrov shared his one on social media and thanked him, he made a statement publicly claiming he would never sale those to a foreign general, even allegedly disabling them all just for public cloud.

    The fact that he could disable his car so fast means he probably knew exactly which were sold to Russia.

  12. funksoldier83 on

    Hilux-driving terrorists all over the world are shaking their heads right now.

  13. HeisenbergsSamaritan on

    Maybe this is all part of a major betrayal by musk?

    Let them get a shit ton of Tesla Trucks, wait for a major assault using them to happen.

    Then remotely shit them off?

  14. XAgentNovemberX on

    I don’t care how stupid it is, Elon has to be charged, serve time, and then be deported. I also don’t want to punish SA by sending him back there so… North Sentinel Island should be perfect.

  15. Ornery-Performer-755 on

    Lol. How are they to charge them?

    Travel charger? 😂😂

  16. laserswald on

    They did it. They made the Warthogs from Halo.

    Can’t wait to see them catch fire from one of their spent brass.

  17. kapanenship on

    This good to hear that Musk has finally decided to help Ukraine rid themselves of the Russian infestation. Sabotaging them with a bunch of unreliable chunks of crap will surly hinder any advances their weak ass army might have wished for.

  18. Sea-Elevator1765 on

    Ironically, sending them a bunch of 30 year old Toyotas would have helped more.

  19. bmiguel1989 on

    Is it weird the Elon supports russia by giving them the trucks and not remote disabling them as previously thought. And he also supports trump?

  20. Heidenreich12 on

    These headlines are such clickbait to draw in average Redditors who foam at the sound of “Elon Musk”.

    Anyone can buy a car and export it to another country. How is this Teslas fault?

    Do we yell at Toyota for all the terrorist who drive Helix trucks? Do we include the CEO’s name in the title?

    Can we be a little more objective and smart when we talk about these topics?

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