Dee Snider: Im Gedenken an meinen ukrainischen Großvater, der Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts vor der russischen Besatzung seines Landes fliehen musste, sende ich diese Botschaft und fordere alle Verfechter der Freiheit auf, so etwas nie wieder geschehen zu lassen!

Von Exotic-Strawberry667


  1. FiscalCliffClavin on

    Dee is such a positive force in this world. He stands against injustice and rocks without missing a beat.

  2. deductress on

    This is a great way to honor your grandfather! Great way to revenge Russia 100 years down the road! Russia wronged what it thought small people, but there – is America. It is here where small regular people gain a large voice of consequence, even in death.
    What a great story. Never forget.

    ..Really, how is Russia planning to put all of this back in a can?

  3. SacrificialPigeon on

    It’s almost like ‘Were not gonna take’ it was written for Ukraine. Dee is a legend, A wise and articulate man who stands up to injustice. Twisted Sister fought hard for their fame with grueling tours. I never knew he had Ukrainian blood in him, Kind of explains the fighter in him.

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