Alles wegen des Geldes … hat bei diesen Jungs nicht funktioniert.


  1. No-Agency-7988 on

    I already knew smoking kills, but that one guy brought this to a completely new level

    But seriously, God damn why do we keep saying war is shit while starting 4 new ones..

    I mean this are all young guys… Russians… But still.. Just look at this shit

  2. Late_Singer_7996 on

    Smoking Aces. Rapists and Murderers. Messed with the best, died like the rest. The last one enlightened a memorial fire for Butcha.

  3. elaborate-icicle22 on

    They’re not out delivering cookies, these fools came to burn Ukrainians.

  4. No-Needleworker2090 on

    Remember, these guys came to Ukraine thinking they’re superior to Ukranians, thinking it will be an easy battle just killing Ukranians in their own soil and they have a great army, thinking it will be easy money.

    Well, I guess they found out.

    edit: some grammar

  5. If these were Americans, there would be a massive uproar and likely a new government within months. The silence of the Russian populace says a lot about their people and culture. Just like the average German was complicit in the crimes of Nazi Germany, so to are the Russian people complicit in the crimes of Putin and his 3-day Special Military Operations.

  6. Lament_Configurator on

    0:46 how the fuck is it still moving?? the head is mostly gone. damn that freaks me out.

  7. gravy_gary on

    And I’m sitting here with my morning coffee watching this shit, un-phased. Every day.

    Go the fuck home, russia.

  8. Narrow-Sky-5377 on

    The worst ones for me are the guys who are still alive being consumed by flames they can do nothing about. Gruesome.

  9. Ok-Cost-9635 on

    An They die happy becous they know putin will thinks about them all the times

  10. Dunno what Putin wanted his legacy to be, but scenes like this is what it will be.

  11. tallone1982 on

    Slava Ukraini! 👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻

  12. No_Inspection_5666 on

    Fuck man the soil must be littered with bones and bodies 😭

  13. Inclusive_3Dprinting on

    Polyester burns at 550°C (1000F appx), so these chinese uniforms are cooking them alive.

  14. Successful-Net-8159 on

    Most gruesome footage since a while – quite some of them were still alive.

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