Trump wird dafür kritisiert, dass er „denkt, Juden sollten für ihn stimmen, da Tochter Ivanka Jüdin ist“


  1. GloomyTraffic6700 on

    No, she is not. Despite how an orthodox Jewish sect changes their rules to accommodate a billionaire, orthodox Judaism requires your mother to be Jewish.

    She is actually less Jewish than her father is Christian.

  2. BeckyFromTheBlock2 on

    Every Jewish friend I’ve had, and their family I met don’t forget being treated like absolute dogshit. By anyone. Let alone the sitting US president in an insane fumble saying “there was very fine people on both sides”, while we all watched neo nazis marching in matching gear, screaming in unison “the jews will not replace us!”. I don’t care “what he meant to say” bullshit after such a severe backlash. You don’t walk back from that, as the sitting president. Now he’s pissed he lost 76% of the Jewish vote?….fucking cry me a river bitch boy.

  3. figuring_ItOut12 on

    I’ll simply note there are Jews who support Trump even now. It’s weird and beyond my understanding. There are sects of the Ultra Orthodox in Israel who oppose the state of Israel and have since before its founding. People are complex and few of us are rational all the time.

  4. onceinawhile222 on

    What do they want?! I gave the woman the President thingy didn’t I. Everyone says it’s so much better than that other thingy. What do they expect?

  5. wombatstylekungfu on

    His son-in-law is only Jewish if creepy waxwork people can have religion

  6. DonJuniorsEmails on

    but also, “If I don’t win, I blame Jews”.

    What a pathetic coward. 

  7. Pensky_Material_808 on

    How is this something that’s acceptable for a presidential candidate to say. It’s so sad

  8. RDO_Desmond on

    Jared Kushner is like Bernie Madoff on steroids. Always ready to screw them.

  9. DreamcatcherGoneWild on

    As a proud Jewish convert, I gotta say this is a weak/lame way to gain Jewish voters. It ain’t happening D0nald.

  10. Standard_Recipe1972 on

    Jews in New York City favor him 54 percent to 46.. why are you all so adamant on just living in your bubble.

  11. WilderJackall on

    For the love of Uncle Sam, can we please make convicted felon Donald Trump shove a sock in it?

  12. New-Entrepreneur6405 on

    Orthodox Jews are for Trump only because they won’t vote for a woman to be president.

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