RU POV: Russische Passanten filmen die Explosion in Tichorezk, Region Krasnodar

    Von NATO_Will_Prevail


    1. mr_snuggels on

      Ukraine must have the most precise and packed with explosive falling debris in the entire world

    2. CanadianK0zak on

      It’s the new SMO is going great alarm. These drones had to fly through the main Russian air defense net, this is just rude

    3. Sgt_Mark_IV on

      Absolutely nothing out of normal, this is just a natural explosion, this is like farting, ammo storages just normally build up methane, and letting go some explosions to alleviate pressure is a sign of a healthy ammo storage, this is completely normal and expected. And also a sign that Putin cares about the environment, setting these gases alit is better than letting these gases damage the ozone layer.

    4. Ranchhand44 on

      What does he say at the beginning that sounds like “ya boy”, anyone know the meaning?

    5. golitsyn_nosenko on

      “But we have a plan to beat NATO in the arctic!”.

      “And if you’re not careful we’ll take Berlin!”

      “Are you gonna tell Putin? It’s your turn, I did the last one yesterday”

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