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Die NASA hat einen guten Plan zur De-Orbitierung der ISS – sofern Russland nicht im Weg steht https://arstechnica.com/space/2024/09/nasa-has-a-fine-plan-for-deorbiting-the-iss-unless-russia-gets-in-the-way/
Better-Ad-9479 on 21.09.2024 4:09 AM Don’t deorbit the ISS – send up a fleet of cube sats to drive it to the moon
NY_State-a-Mind on 21.09.2024 4:15 AM SpaceX wants to use a starship and bring it back to Earth to go in a museum
Don’t deorbit the ISS – send up a fleet of cube sats
to drive it to the moon
SpaceX wants to use a starship and bring it back to Earth to go in a museum