Russischer Soldat mit mehreren Wunden wird zur Behandlung irgendwo draußen vorbereitet, er schreit viel (Grafik)


  1. Final_Pension_3353 on

    It’s good they pixelated the guy’s face – Patient confidentiality is very important.

  2. Sigmeister1 on

    At least for some it’s true “you reap what you sow”!

    Not sorry!

  3. That tourniquet is working as well as you’d expect russian rubber bands to work…

    I doubt he’s gonna stop any kind of bleeding with that

  4. Striper_Cape on

    That fuckin retard with the pressure bandage didn’t even put it on the fucking wound. Where’d they find that guy? Next to a dumpster?

  5. Background_Round7070 on

    Don’t worry fella you will be back in the trench in no time.

  6. Imaginary-Rhubarb647 on

    That sound is more comforting than the sound of gentle rain on a tin roof.

  7. Present-Register-157 on

    I keep reposting this—and it applies every time–Stay in your own Shithole country

  8. imajackash on

    Not being sarcastic – I wonder why this was recorded. Is it propaganda that’s shown on Russian TV for the mothers?

    They probably walked away and let him die when the video stopped. 100% have shown they don’t care about Ivan when his leg is blown off in just about every battle video I’ve seen.
    They are out for themselves only, comrade Igor is on his own when the shit hits the fan.

  9. Injuries are fresh, medical attention good, I thought that he was going to be fine, until I saw the chest and abdominal injuries.

  10. OldManPip5 on

    20 minutes after this he was ordered back out on the next meat wave.

  11. Tonythetiger1775 on

    Any medics in here? How is this care. Usually the Russians just say fuck it

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