Wie Josef Stalin während der Hungersnot in der Ukraine Millionen Menschen verhungern ließ



  1. The famine not only affected Ukraine, but it also wiped out more than half of Kazakhstan’s entire population, reducing them to a minority in their own country.

  2. potatoesbydefault on

    The day Russians incinerate Lenin’s and Stalin’s carcasses is the day they can be allowed to deal with the rest of the civilised world.

  3. TheGracefulSlick on

    Debatable whether it was actually deliberate or not. It affected the entire Soviet Union. Kazakhstan was the most heavily impacted, not Ukraine. Stalin ordered several relief efforts and lowered grain quotas significantly to try to combat the famine. Even imported grain from other countries. It was malpractice, definitely, some callousness on Stalin’s part sure, but you would be hard pressed to definitely call it deliberate like this article attempts to do.

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