Ein weiterer Clip des russischen Soldaten, der seinen Fuß durch eine Antipersonenmine vom Typ PFM-1 verloren hat. Der Kameramann filmt den Stumpf und zwei weitere Minen um ihn herum (Grafik)



  1. Does Ukraine even use this type of mine??? I didn’t think so, so he might’ve stepped on a “friendly“ mine.

  2. Final_Pension_3353 on

    The source of these videos is very into HIPPA considerations. Gotta keep that face pixelated!

  3. dumbass…stepped on their own mines. Russian mil is one big clown show.

  4. Hungry-Photograph819 on

    “Don’t worry Ivan you get big payout and ground floor apartment. Now just close your eyes and i will administer painkiller to your temple”

  5. RagnarRodrog on

    Does toe popper have enough explosive charge to just remove your foot like that? Its just 37 grams of explosive.

  6. BornToScheme on

    Hold on one second, a leaf mine did all of that? 🧐

    I always thought that it could take couple fingers off, rip off couple of toes, but not like this , f*ck me 😳

  7. ProfessorxVile on

    Tovarisch, I see that you still have plenty of meat to shed for Tsar Vladimir Vladimirovich, so take this stick and get back out there! FOR GLORY!

  8. lorne_a_200024 on

    all those bugs laying eggs in that shit. dont scratch it, might get it infected.

  9. FrankFnRizzo on

    That’s a Russian butterfly mine. Pressure accumulation scatterable AP mine. Nasty little fuckers. Responsible for the maiming of plenty of children worldwide.

  10. DevinNunesCattleDog on

    Friendly petal mine just wanted to add to the sunflower fertilizer

  11. Scared_of_zombies on

    If he ever gets mobile again he’ll be a snipers nightmare. Head constantly bobbing due to a fucked up gait.

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