Die Geschwindigkeit von Voyager 1, visualisiert auf der Erde in geringer Höhe. Angesichts der relativ geringen Distanz, die Voyager 1 zurücklegte, wird dadurch deutlich, wie groß der Weltraum ist.


    1. OldManPip5 on

      Space is big. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it’s a long way down the road to the chemist’s, but that’s just peanuts to space.

      —Douglas Adams

    2. starstarstar42 on

      I honestly thought it would look faster.

      Space is so vast, that t would take Voyager **20,000** years to travel just 1 single light year. And our nearest neighbor star is twice that distance away.

      We need to figure out how to go much, much faster if we ever hope to do anything other than hang around just our solar system forever.

    3. WinFar4030 on

      I hesitate on the accuracy of the video, since they were lazy enough to use a pre-9/11 NYC skyline. not much credibility there.

    4. So basically the same speed Superman did to try to catch the nuclear missiles……

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