Enthüllt: Seit dem Brexit sind deutlich mehr Pestizidrückstände in Lebensmitteln erlaubt. Anders als die EU hat Großbritannien den Schutz für zahlreiche Lebensmittelarten drastisch reduziert


Von EUstrongerthanUS


  1. CarefulAndQuiet on

    Same thing happened in US under Trump. Now people have died from food poisoning.

  2. MysteriousMeet9 on

    Are we blocking this produce from entering EU markets accordingly?

  3. This is might be a spiraling loop:

    Less protections for food –> More polluted food –> more brain damage –> Less protections for food

  4. Earl0fYork on

    “Strikingly, the UK chose to adopt the Codex MRLs only where they offered lower protection to consumers. Where the Codex standard was stricter, the HSE decided to retain the weaker British MRL.“

    As per usual different coloured boot but still a boot from the government up the backside of the public.

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