[OC] Ich verfolge meinen Gewichtsverlust seit über einem Jahr fast täglich

Von LiftsLinage


  1. Tahts impressive! Congratz on the loss! Now put in life events and parties/ holidays so you can see where the gains came from. I have a written list that starts in 2020 – would be nice to see it plotted out, but oh the work involved with digitizing it.

  2. pretendtotime on

    Great job on the progress! Curious to know what proved to be the most effective in your weight loss journey? I’ve hit a plateau similar to yours and it’s been quite hard to start losing again.

  3. WSBNoob101 on

    Thank you for sharing and great progress. I trust your body fat% is decreasing as well.

  4. RowRowRowRobert on

    Great progress! But I’ll be the asshole and say this isn’t beautiful and doesn’t belong here. Please put units on your y axis. It’s basic data presentation

  5. That’s cool.. im just wondering, how come are you able to make progress only during the summer? is that just a coincidence?

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