Simulationen der Erfassung von Sternen durch Schwarze Löcher während extremer Gezeitenkräfte werden mit der alten Symbolik der Schlange verglichen, die ihren eigenen Schwanz beißt. Ich frage mich, ob unsere Vorfahren ein solches Himmelsereignis am Nachthimmel beobachtet und die Symbolik zu seiner Beschreibung geschaffen haben?

    1 Comment

    1. subatmoiclogicgate on

      SS: I was just watching the latest video from PBS space time on youtube and starting at around the 9:10 timestamp, we are shown simulations of an extreme tidal disruption event, when a star is captured by a black hole, during which material falls into an elliptical orbit and loops in on itself. The presenter Matt described this event as the snake eating its own tail which is an ancient symbol used by many cultures.

      Extreme tidal disruption events appear to be rare events and this got me thinking that perhaps such a celestial event that was once witnessed by our ancient human ancestors, and thus they created the symbology of the snake eating it’s own tail to best describe it?

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