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Russian MALD?
I was like “stupid title, that can’t be true”. I stand corrected
I… Don’t even know what question to ask. Help.
Is this bait?
When I read COW I said to myself: it can’t be a damn cow, it’s probably an acronym for some military name, but then I saw the video, bruhhhhhh
Ummm…ummm… wtf. And what was it being used for? This hurts my head.
Eat Mor курица!!
Wtf am I watching 😳
And then the bovine watchers were given a real treat. On a small knoll, in full splendor, there suddenly appeared a Guatemalan cow of paradise.
What is this war ever about😭
I have seen it all. I am content.
ChikFilA in Russia
Inflated cow you say???
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Some Russian who snuck out to a Pink Floyd concert in his youth.
I just watched this right after the Ukrainian ground-attack drone and it’s making me feel like Russia is falling behind a bit on the technical side.
That being said, I guess I could see how a bunch of these could be pretty distracting, since presumably they read similar to actual airborne weapons or recon drones. I’m going to guess the balloons are cheaper than the wheely drone.
Quick find the mole, Russians have been leaked precious NCD information
“flying Russian inflated cow with radar reflector is targeted by fpv drone” is a sentence I could’ve never thought of reading
It didn’t set the explosives off , lol
didn’t think their tactics could get more bovine
Corner radar reflectors can be fitted on decoys to make them appear larger than they are, thus furthering the illusion that a decoy is an actual aircraft. – wiki
They cost nothing and are very easy to make.
I think the Russians will start using this tactic as a response to fpv drone attacks on their surveillance drones. It cost nothing and it will need to be downed because on radar it looks like drone.
Hole Lee Cow
Ok, we have to stop saying the “war never changes” quote now
Russians must be hoping for a bovine intervention
How is NCD going to recover form this?
A plan so stupid it’s smart. Tactical cow balloon.
Flying *cow*? Is that the same one that jumped over the moon?
The Russians are so clever… Who would ever suspect a flying cow? .. lol
This conflict keeps delivering stuff that most of us never dared to dream about.
“Eat mor chikin”
Bitch, I’m a cow, bitch, I’m a cow
I’m not a cat, I don’t say meow
Bitch, I’m a cow, bitch, I’m a cow
Bitch, I’m a cow, bitch, I’m a cow
The skies of the next great war will look like schools of metallic jellyfish streaming with tinsel chaff. Drones will be as flies caught in glittering webs. The radar forest will grow dark and dim, and new horrors will stalk it’s depths.
Drone PvP