Israel bietet an, den Krieg zu beenden und Sinwar gehen zu lassen, wenn alle Geiseln sofort freigelassen und Gaza entwaffnet werden


  1. Maximum_Overdrive on

    And hamas rejected it immediately because they don’t want to give up their stranglehold on Gaza.  And this is why hamas needs to go, and those calling for ‘free palestine’ need to realize that palestine will never be free as long as hamas is there!

  2. basicastheycome on

    Hamas won’t agree to it anyways even if this offer is true. There’s just too much profit in perpetual conflict for them. Sinwar is not only Hamas boss who got filthy rich via Hamas either. If he budges, rest might not

  3. Dedsnotdead on

    Hamas makes billions of dollars from Gaza, why would they give that up?

  4. ohokayiguess00 on

    Just add *and begin discussions on a future Palestinian state with the new regime and Hamas would have no choice but to accept.

  5. kingethjames on

    “Israel offers to end the war if Hamas surrenders” would be a more accurate way to word this.

  6. Lets be real though. Sinwar is a dead man and he knows it. Why would he give up what little power he has in the region. Israel would take him out eventually.

  7. photolinger on

    Hamas has offered multiple times to free the hostages with Israel rejecting the offer.

  8. falcobird14 on

    The moment Sinwar pokes his head out of whatever hole he’s in, his life has an expiration date. He probably knows this.

  9. GaelicInQueens on

    The only way this ends with a lasting peace is the decommissioning of Hamas’ arms and their relinquishing of government in Gaza. They need to allow an actual political party to take the reins of government and figure out a solution with Israel.

  10. BringbackDreamBars on

    Doubt this will go anywhere, Sinwar and senior Hamas leaders have too much to lose if the war ends.

    Also, freeing the hostages means that Hamas can´t keep the lid on their positive PR.

    Really hoping ill be shocked and he takes it, this is the best deal yet.

  11. the_unsender on

    Watch, Hamas will reject this. They don’t want the war to end, because they’re gaining more western empathizers every day.

  12. Can’t they just send a message to this Sinwar fella? Like, I dunno, blow up something near him to let him know he can die at any time if they want? These people only understand violence with negotiations, show it to him asap.

  13. 270whatsup on

    Some college ultra liberal foaming at the mouth because this would mean no more protesting and defacing US monuments. Hamas will never agree to this because they are terrorists and everyone will blame Israel

  14. unWildBill on

    Here are some complementary laptops and headphones. Just put them on.

  15. Unlikely-Complex3737 on

    Whether or not Sinwar is accepting this offer, he’s a dead man walking.

  16. RMLProcessing on

    Can’t wait to see them decline while the ceasefire now crowd looks the other way

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