Die in Norwegen registrierte D/S URSA manövriert verzweifelt, um dem Raketen- und Kanonenfeuer von Flugzeugen des Banff Strike Wing in einem Fjord in der Nähe von Stavenes, Norwegen, auszuweichen.

Von HeStoleMyBalloons


  1. HeStoleMyBalloons on

    > The Norwegian-registered D/S URSA manoeuvres desperately to avoid rocket and cannon fire from aircraft of the Banff Strike Wing, 19 September 1944. Three steamships – URSA, LYNX and TYRIFJORD – were making their way from Hamburg to Tromso and Hammerfest when attacked by 21 Beaufighters and 11 Mosqiutos in a fjord near Stavenes. URSA suffered damage but survived, while the other two vessels were sunk. A Beaufighter of No 144 Squadron was shot down.


  2. TheRealWildGravy on

    3 ships being attacked by 32 planes, that sounds absolutely incredible.

    After reading the information you posted, it’s almost hard to believe one of them made it out!

  3. Yato_kami3 on

    Why did the British decide to send a whole strike wing against 3 Norwegian cargo ships? Were they commandeered by the Germans? Were they carrying anything particularly important?

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