Hallo, wissen Sie, ob ich in diesem Wald Pilze sammeln kann?


Von SupPresSedd


  1. this forest? you mean in one of the biggest ones in this country? yes, yes you can. many people do it

  2. Jan_Spontan on

    You can pick mushrooms anywhere as long as you don’t enter a nature reserve.

  3. Lumpy-Platypus1073 on

    “This forest” is 6,000 square kilometers big and has about one million inhabitants. Yes, you can mostly go mushroom hunting there, except for some protected areas.

  4. Brave_Original820 on

    There are plenty of YouTube channels about mushroom hunting especially in the Schwarzwald Area

    Have a look at them and find your spots

  5. no, there is not a single mushroom in the schwarzwald

    source: I made it up

  6. If you can, ask some locals about what mushrooms to look for and where and what to stay away from. I’ve found that any random old person where I live knows 10 times as much as I would find googling. Mostly because its very regional.

  7. Consistent_Bee3478 on

    You are marking half a state.

    You can pick mushrooms anywhere, as long as it is not private property (fences, sign posts saying as such) or nature reserves.

    The Black Forest contains multiple nature reserves and bloody cities.

    You can pick mushrooms in any public forest area there.

    Just note that there may be some differences in the species of mushroom growing there, as it seems you are polish so make sure you get a specific guide, and only pick the mushrooms you are able to 100% correctly identify. 

  8. EhGoodEnough3141 on

    You can do it everywhere, as long as you don’t get caught.

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