Produzenten mussten „The Apprentice“ stark kürzen, um zu verhindern, dass Trump wie ein „völliger Vollidiot“ aussieht, behaupten Autoren


  1. Bored_guy_in_dc on

    Thanks for that, idiots. Could have saved us all a big headache if you had just let him run his mouth back then.

  2. TintedApostle on

    You all could have said something like 8 years ago? I am so tired of people not standing up to Trump and protecting the country because “money”.

  3. I’ve got news for these TV producers, it didn’t work. A big part of why The Apprentice had such big ratings was because viewers wanted to see just how big a moron Trump really is.

    Millions of viewers tuned in to The Jerry Springer show, too, it attracted the same type of audience.

  4. I only watched two episodes, but he still looked like a complete moron.

  5. I watched some of the first season. He looked like a moron even though he had minimal screen time.

  6. PapaSteveRocks on

    It’s time for Mark Burnett to release raw tapes. Put the last nail into this puppet show.

  7. Starbucks__Lovers on

    The guy who decided to take Trump’s SATs decided it was okay

    The podiatrist who decided to give Trump Vietnam deferments thought it was okay

    The Wharton professors who let trump slide to graduation thought it was okay

    The lawyers who paid off the women trump sexually assaulted thought it was okay

    The guy who ghostwrote and pretty much made up everything in his book thought it was okay

    The producers of The Apprentice decided to edit Trump to “stop him from looking like a complete moron” and thought it was okay.

    The Producers of the Apprentice also decided to comply with their NDAs when Trump decided to possibly drop N-bombs and say racist shit thought it was okay

    The bank lenders who keep giving trump money despite his bankruptcies thought it was okay

    Billy Bush and Access Hollywood had video of trump bragging about sexually assaulting women and everyone involved thought it was okay

    Trump is elected president and attempts to bribe Ukraine to take down political opponents and congress thought it was okay

    Trump attempts to overthrow the election certification in 2021 and yet again congress thought it was okay

    Trump is convicted of 34 felonies, but the judge decided to give him a pass on sentencing until after November for no discernible reason and thinks it’s okay.

    I’m fucking tired. Just *one* person had to say “I refuse to let this shit slide” anytime before 2015 and yet we find ourselves in the universe where people don’t have a spine.

  8. So basically what the editors at the apprenticed did is what the national media outlets are doing now.

    Sanewashing Chump

  9. Somewhere I read the description from someone who worked on the show: that Trump is so stupid that, meeting him, it actually throws you off.

  10. Dfiggsmeister on

    I’ll be honest here, he is an idiot even with the editing on The Apprentice. I fucking hated that show because of how ridiculously stupid the entire premise was. Donald Trump, a man known for bankrupting casinos, was using his platform to bring on an apprentice to follow him around. Keep in mind the whole Trump University sham was going at the same time. I knew it was bullshit.

    I tried so many times to see what the appeal of that show was and every single time, I sat there watching people commit acts of near business fraud and questionably ethical decisions that no company should make. My roommate was absolutely obsessed with it but I just couldn’t deal with it.

  11. randommd81 on

    I feel like I can draw a direct line from that show to him becoming president. Maybe slightly hyperbolic, but I think I watched a documentary or something and Trump was not doing well at the time and this show essentially shot him back into the mainstream. I seem to remember the producer having to do things to make Trump appear wealthier than he was at the time or something?

  12. Outrageous-Book9799 on

    He is the world’s biggest clown… We use this term in political and business to describe someone that absolutely has no idea what they’re doing but puts on the makeup and does the talking points just for show.

  13. openly_gray on

    Think about it, if it weren’t for the producers of this show Trump would hav probably been broke and forgotten

  14. Novel_Alfalfa_9013 on

    Where’s the original unaired material ? I’ll watch some of that lol. There’s no way to not make turmp look like a moron though.

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