5 Personen im Zusammenhang mit einem Menschenhändlerring im Großraum Toronto angeklagt



  1. Difficult-Yam-1347 on

    Five people are facing multiple charges for their alleged participation in a human trafficking ring operating in the Greater Toronto Area. 

    Halton Regional Police allege from September 2019 to September 2024, the accused coerced, deceived, manipulated, and used physical violence and psychological harm to “maintain control, direction of influence over the victims.” Officers did not specify how many victims were involved.

    Following a five-month joint investigation with various services across the GTA, police identified five suspects and conducted five search warrants on Tuesday at various homes in Brampton and Toronto

  2. Bigharryspatronus on

    Does anyone else find it slightly ironic that the lion’s share of people involved in today’s human trafficking and descendants of trafficked humans?

  3. I’m curious how commenters are going to blame this on immigrants turning Canada into a “low trust” country.

  4. finewine65 on

    We need a law where their citizenship can be taken & they can be deported ……

  5. Dont worry, the gouv will set them free and just a slapon their hands.

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