Dem Team von „Inside Out 2“ wurde angeblich gesagt, es solle Riley „weniger schwul“ machen


  1. > According to IGN’s sources, “there was special care put into making the relationship between Riley and Val seem as platonic as possible, even requiring edits to the lighting and tone of certain scenes to remove any trace of ‘romantic chemistry’.”

    > One former employee claimed that they were made to do “a lot of extra work to make sure that no one would potentially see [Riley and Val] as not straight.”

    > The main instruction they received was to make Riley “less gay”.

  2. PotentialAdorable405 on

    I’m definitely glad they removed any romantic undertones as Riley is what 13? and Val is 18?

  3. Eh? Nine years, and I wasn’t aware she was homosexual in the first place.

  4. VapidRapidRabbit on

    She was still very gay. Mind you, she had male and female emotions. Most other people were shown to have all of their emotions as the same gender.

  5. Being gay baited by a Disney movie is like losing against a dog in tennis.

  6. De-Animator27 on

    Can’t a heterosexual girl look up to and admire another girl without it being considered romantic? Now that I think about it…are there any positive female friendships represented in media that isn’t romantic? Last I remember, it’s Betty and Wilma….but I wouldn’t say it was all that positive.

  7. MisterSpicy on

    I think there is room for Riley to have a “crush” on her idol while at the same time being not “definitively” gay. To be honest, that was the very tiny slightest subtext I experienced watching the movie. Sort of ‘idol worship’ maybe? I dunno. Then again that’s probably too complex for a Pixar movie haha

    Like my ex gf was definitely straight but had the biggest “girl crush” on Evangeline Lily. I was like ‘suhweeeet’ lol

  8. ObviouslyJoking on

    What a weird request. They could have simply said they didn’t want Riley to have a romantic relationship with. Why frame it like that”less gay”?

  9. TheCrushSoda on

    It was still there which is good. I doubt a 13 year old would be able to articulate their feelings correctly or understand them either so this feels correct for a first crush in a way

  10. lordlordie1992 on

    Just a reminder that these corporations aren’t allies, It’s all about the $$$ bottom line.

  11. TappyMauvendaise on

    I’m gay and that’s fine. The older chick definitely had lesbian vibes. Which is fine too. Who cares?

  12. mo_al_amir on

    That’s the right thing to do, or all Muslim countries ans China will ban the movie

  13. Millennial_Man on

    This feels like one of those articles that is trying to invoke indignation, when it sounds like it was a story decision rather than a political one.

  14. curiousjosh on

    There’s a short where she’s on a date with a boy.

    This just seems like normal story stuff.

  15. Wild-Word4967 on

    I believe it. I worked on “the Muppets” we had to do extensive reshoots because it looked like the muppet and human Jason Seagul character were closeted gay lovers. In the reshoots we changed their relationship from friends to brothers.

  16. Clickityclackrack on

    “I’m sorry inside out 2 team, we need to remove the lesbian scene”

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