CNN zeigt eine Montage von Trump, der genau das tut, was Vance den Demokraten gesagt hat, sie sollten es NICHT tun


  1. Ok_Ninja1486 on

    I prefer to just call republicans nazis at this point. It’s funny when a republican tries to defend the meaning of nazi while trying to exclude themselves from the definition.

  2. AtticaBlue on

    Hah hah, hilarious, but not a surprise to anyone paying any sort of attention, of course. And I’m loathe to give CNN any clicks.

  3. onceinawhile222 on

    You expect JD to be listening and remembering what Donald says. According to JD it’s all made up anyway🙀

  4. FlimsyConclusion on

    JD Vance is just on his gaslight tour. It’s pathetically transparent.

  5. PassengerNo1233 on

    Blatant hypocrisy is an ugly thing. I’d like to see him explain this one away—and then justify it.

  6. Pinkysrage on

    That’s their whole schtick. The name calling, etc. that is it. That’s what they’ve got. Great campaign, amirite?

  7. fattmarrell on

    Someone in the comments said Vladimir Futon and I can’t stop laughing at it. Made my day.

  8. gmoney-0725 on

    But DonOLD is a threat to democracy. Biden and Harris have that correct. He’s what said he’ll be a dictator on day one. Pr0ject 2025 is proof.

  9. I get the strong feeling that Trump and Vance don’t even speak to one another.

  10. justalilrowdy on

    In the 1960s the KGB did some psychological experiments.
    They learned that if you bombard humans with fear messages nonstop, in two months or less most of the subjects are completely brainwashed to believe the false messages to the point that no amount of clear information they are shown to the contrary can change their mind.
    Be Aware. Trump is brainwashing Americans.

  11. combustioncat on

    CNN did it, Daily Show did it, Colbert did it, Kimmel did it, everyone did it – EASIEST ‘YOU ARE A FUCKING HYPOCRITE’ MONTAGE EVER.

  12. galacticsquirrel22 on

    He literally just uses buzzwords to try and scare his uneducated base. No one is a Marxist/Communist AND a fascist. They vastly contradict each other.

    Communism advocates for collective ownership and a classless society, while fascism typically supports a hierarchical society and often aligns with corporate interests.

    Leave it to the republicans to campaign on fear and buzzwords since that’s all they have.

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