Rauchverbot im Freien – was meint ihr?


Von Sus198


  1. Beneficial_Milk_8287 on

    All for it, but I highly doubt there would be much enforcement. Many bars don’t even bother with the indoor smoking ban after a certain time, let alone outdoors

  2. CaffeLungo on

    i don’t smoke, but i don’t agree, esp if its a space with a small smoking area – don’t like it, stay away

  3. WhatsHeBuilding on

    Sounds good, it’s pretty strange to allow people to blow poison at innocent bystanders tbf. But doubt it would be enforced at all here, so would be more symbolism than a real law.

  4. Pisscouchthefab on

    100% agree, mostly because I’m sick of seeing discarded cigarettes everywhere (I suppose this is more of a reinforcement on littering issue, but clearly people can’t be expected to be decent human beings who dispose of their cancer on a stick properly).

    Also, our quality of air is shit enough as it is without having assholes light up cigarrets right beside me while waiting for the bus, (to have them toss said cigarette on the ground when the bus shows up).

    Of course, if they did get banned, I doubt it would be enforced, since there is a severe lack of discipline among the Maltese and all we do is complain about foreigners ruining our country while we’re doing a pretty good job of that ourselves

  5. Bluedemonfox on

    I think improving air quality is very important but second hand smoke from cigarettes and vapes are not the main concern regarding this issue at the moment …

  6. I smoke but am all for it. When I’m not feeling well the smoke makes me even sicker so I reckon that’s how a non-smoker feels.

    Also it won’t be enforced like everything else.

  7. Finally, but I think designated smoking area should provide for smokers as well.

  8. StayUpLatePlayGames on

    I work near a big government building. Outside are emptied coffee cans filled with cigarettes. On hot days it’s common to see smoke billowing out of them. The stench of cigarettes at the entrances is strong.

    I mean, it’s such a good look.

  9. Hulk_power on

    Better late than never.

    I’ve been saying this for a long time that smoking in public should be banned.

    It’s a no brainer.

    Smoking should be allowed in a confined designated place, with ventilators and a filtration systems. Governments tax smoking heavily, so they should provide facilities accordingly, to protect people who are affected by secondary smoke.

  10. CrowEmbarrassed9133 on

    Big yes, can’t eat a simple breakfast on a terrace without someone erecting smoke like a chimney.

  11. karolololo on

    “Commissioner says smoking should not be allowed at bus stops, zoos, rooftop bars and cafe terraces”

    In quite some countries it’s not allowed already. As someone who was/is a smoker for more years than not: I love such regulations

    On the other hand it makes me cry that the vast majority doesn’t have the “human” decency not to smoke next to a child/*. Or in general: doesn’t take responsibility for his/her smoke(noun)

  12. DateSea574 on

    Yes please, I’m tired of getting passive smoked by people’s nasty cancer sticks.

  13. Ironsides4ever on

    Hate cigarettes.. but it does seem like governments are over stepping on your personal freedom. I understand second hand smoke is bad for others .. but these are situations where that does not apply.

  14. AlternativeBulky9102 on

    YES PLEASE. It’s freakin ridiculous that when you to a restaurant to enjoy a nice meal, the air inside the restaurant is cleaner than the air outside. People cant be counted on to show some respect for someone eating ..even with toddlers or elderly at the table.

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