Ukrainischer Drohnenangriff auf großes Munitionsdepot in der russischen Region Twer löst Explosionen und Evakuierung aus


  1. Judging from the scale of the explosion and the aftermath, the Ukrainians must have hit one of the largest or quite possibly the largest storage facility of Russian ammo, missiles, and tank fuel.

  2. There was estimated to be up to 30,000 tons of ammunition stored at the site, including S300/400 air defence missiles, and ballistic missiles from North Korea.

    NASA shows that the entire site is on fire, and exploding continuously, so it looks like most or all of the individual storage units daisy chained.

    Asked for commentary, Russia’s official stated that “The situation is under control”.

    Some [footage of the ‘under control’ situation](

  3. Is this why the US hasn’t given long range approval? Ukraine is becoming more capable and is showing their drones can get rid of stuff left right and centre. Good PR for Ukraine weapons to take the fight deep into Russia. All they need is a long range drone delivery devise and they can launch squads of drones anywhere of significance in Russia.

  4. PsychologicalPace664 on

    “Up to 30,000 tons of ammunitions”… Shit. Did I read that right? That’s a lot LOT of ammo. To make some sense in those numbers, the Blitz (The Bombing of London by the *Luftflotten* in the 2º World War) “only” droped 12 000 tons of bombs and you guys know how much damage that did. Imagine 30 000 tons.

    That’s a massive win for Ukraine

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