Trump wird gedemütigt, nachdem er behauptet hat, er sei „Klassenbester“ am College gewesen – Wharton beweist, dass er lügt (mit Quittungen!)


  1. Wonder how many times this story has been and will be reported over and over.

  2. Straight-Storage2587 on

    Makes you wonder how the people who did the tests for him still have not come out yet. Those must be powerful NDAs with serious bite.

  3. TubeframeMR2 on

    Lying about his height always gets me. He says he is 6’ 3”. Trudeau is 6’ 2”. We know Trump wears shoe lifts as they make him stand like he’s a Centaur. There are lots of pictures pictures of Trump next to Trudeau and Trump is slightly shorter even with the lifts. Dude is just flat out weird.

  4. Two retired Wharton profs said he was the dumbest student they ever taught. Look it up.

  5. senioradvisortoo on

    Let’s ask stormy daniels, she was with him when he had no shoes on.

  6. Ok_Scallion1902 on

    *OLD NEWS* …I pity the young person who doesn’t know his background and is taken in by the hyperbole. #liarslie

  7. He only got in because daddy paid he has to lie he can’t tell the truth because he never earned anything. Cheated his way thru

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