NATO-Verbündeter verwendet beschlagnahmte russische Vermögenswerte zur Finanzierung von Artillerie für die Ukraine


  1. ThemosttrustedFries on

    Next take all Russian Oligarchs homes in the western world and sell it to fund Ukraine.

  2. macross1984 on

    Ukraine will return to Russia funds converted into artillery as form of poetic justice.

  3. “The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs also announced that 1.3 billion Danish Krone ($194 billion dollars) would be earmarked to support Ukraine’s military procurement efforts, and that Denmark would manage a 394.6 million-euro E.U. fund to finance Ukraine’s defense industry.”

    Slight misprint, 194 billion should be 194 million.

  4. anxiety_elemental_1 on

    If Russia thinks they can take Ukraine then surely they won’t mind if we take their assets. They chose to play by these rules and now they’re suffering the consequences of their actions.

  5. Busy_Professional824 on

    Trillion in Russian assets sold to fund Ukraine to the gills..lfg!!

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