Wir reich


Von Personal-Wing3320


  1. One_Piece_Johnny on

    There’s much more to stats like this, take them with a grain of salt

  2. Woodrow-Wilson on

    FYI: “the inability to afford some items considered by most people to be desirable or even necessary to lead an adequate life.”

  3. EatTheRich4200 on

    People will joke and complain about how shit it is here, but I’ve seen only 1 homeless person in the 2 years I’ve been here.

    I used to see 20 on my walk to the subway and another 100 when I got downtown, everyday.

    My favorite memory is walking passed a bare assed man, shitting on the sidewalk from his pink inflamed asshole.. and then omw back seeing 6 cops standing around the turd discussing who they gonna call to clean it up.

  4. HumbleHat9882 on

    Cyprus has a very high number of rich or affluent immigrants which heavily influences such metrics.

  5. Πως καταλήξατυε να ειστε ποιο πλουσιοι εσείς παρά εμεις οι καλαμαράδες;
    Χμμ μήπως η Ρωσία αυξάνει το μέσο εισόδημα;

  6. Does the graph imply both material and social deprivation, or just either one? If it’s the former, then it’s a bad metric because it compares dissimilar things between countries. If it’s the latter, then the data becomes more interesting.

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