Mann aus Toronto nach sexuellem Missbrauch von drei Frauen an der York University angeklagt


  1. FromundaCheeseLigma on

    Doesn’t York always rank among the top for sexual assaults on campus?

  2. flamboyantdebauchry on

    SERIOUSLY THOU …………..The report noted that **he had been granted bail.**

    [Man claiming to be international student charged with sexual assault and kicked off campus | True North (](

    [Topic: The 19-year-old man, Ved Pratikbhai PATEL, has been charged with sexual assault and criminal harassment. @枫下论坛 The Rolia Forum](

  3. Well, there’s no room in jails. All are operating well over capacity.

    No room in mental health services.

    Court system is backed up. Peoples have a right to trial in a reasonable time frame… rights in charter… blah blah
    Gotta release him.
    It’s absolutely fucked up; but it’s the way she goes.


  4. BaronVonSlapNuts on

    How could these classic good looks and obvious charm not be enough?

  5. There was a small Portuguese colony called Goa in India. Lots of Indians from there have last names like Desousa. Typically a Portuguese person originally from Portugal would spell it out like De Souza. Not that nationality matters but everyone is arguing in the comments and doesn’t seem to know about this little history tidbit. I actually only learned it from some Bollywood movie set in Goa lol.

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