Ein israelisches Panzerfahrzeug zerfetzt einen Hamas-Kämpfer, der versucht, einen Sprengsatz bei ihm zu platzieren, 24. Mai 2024.

Von Sauxvil33


  1. AmphibiousAce on

    “Toddler holding bread basket gunned down while running to give Israeli soldiers a hug” -Al Jazeera, probably

  2. W8kingNightmare on

    Imagine your life being so worthless to throw it away like this

  3. ValuableStunning4630 on

    When you can’t be fucked on call of duty and just run at a tank

  4. Damn. Finally a video with clear evidence of a reasonable kill. Can’t wait for this to be on the news.

  5. Substantial_Half838 on

    I was expecting to see arms and legs and heads blown off. But still a good video.

  6. panzermike666 on

    no matter how stupid it is but that was one brave MF-er. dead too.

  7. leandroabaurre on

    Me when I’m trying to place a satchel/AT explosive in any game ever…

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