Durchgesickerte interne Dokumente eines vom Kreml kontrollierten Propagandazentrums zeigen, wie eine gut koordinierte russische Kampagne rechtsextreme Parteien bei den Wahlen zum Europäischen Parlament unterstützte – und auf Social-Media-Plattformen Falschinformationen verbreitete, um die Ukraine zu schädigen.
Leaked Files from Putin’s Troll Factory: How Russia Manipulated European Elections
Joke’s on them
Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦
Maybe now the world can heal
At some point soon the left* is going to say “enough of this bullshit” and embargo, tariff, and isolate Russia completely until their oligarchs decide that Putin is more of a liability than an asset and he’ll tragically fall out of a fifth-story window after shooting himself in the back of the head five times.
* I say left on purpose because the faux conservative-right MAGA GQP is so busy felating him they have no idea they’re being played like Nero’s fiddle.**
** Yes, technically he didn’t fiddle but it’s the typically accepted term so we’ll run with it.
You see a network here with the Kremlin at the centre, and all its little arms reaching into Fidesz (Hungary), Alternative für Deutchland (Germany), National Rally (France), Republican Party (USA) and so on. This is not a coincidence that all of these groups have undermined, or are undermining democratic norms and practices in their respective countries.
The fish rots at the head, and it really stinks in Moscow.
Social media platforms and their senior management should be held criminally responsible
Hold on! They’re saying Russia is manipulating western politics on social media and by supporting right wing parties?!? No way! This is unbelievable. I am shocked.
Seriously after 10 fucking years of this, are we ever going to do anything? These revelations no longer make Russia look bad. They make the west look weak.