Netanjahu droht den Houthis mit einem „hohen Preis“, nachdem eine Rakete Zentralisrael getroffen hat


  1. KidKilobyte on

    You don’t tug on Superman’s cape

    You don’t spit into the wind

    You don’t pull the mask off that old Lone Ranger

    And you don’t mess around with Israel

  2. Jingoism aside what meaningful response does Israel actually have available to strike at Yemen.  Saudi has a strong Air Force right next door and have made very little headway.  

  3. No_Fail4267 on

    Good. If someone can take out these terrorists, it’s Israel.. 

  4. I think he means high price. As in the price of the next weapons package the US sends over. 

  5. Dull-Penalty5787 on

    I’m on Israel’s side, but damn, this guy really thinks he’s Rambo.

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